Be advised I’m not a programmer, but I can follow simple instructions! My host in VE3 is capable of changing Menu settings in the radio but hasn’t had to touch the radio since we set it up in Nov 2019. If you want to try some experiments with CW just let me know.

Download and install the Windows Icom 7300 USB driver from Icom before attaching the rig to your computer. The Icom 7300 uses an internal sound card device. Set aside your Signalink or whatever you were using with you old radio. I’ll install wfview on my host computer and see how it goes with WSJT-X. The Icom 7300 is an easy radio to use for digital modes because all you need is a USB cable. Power SDR install and setup PowerSDR with fldigi. I’m about 13,000 km from my transceiver, which likely makes me a worst case scenario for remote control. IC-7300 Setup install and setup IC-7300 with fldigi and either flrig or rigcat control. I believe N1MM contest logger sends text to the 7300’ keyer or to the Winkeyer. Some initial things to verify are in place: Download and install the USB driver for the radio.

The default radio settings on the 7300 are not likely to work out of the box.
I rarely use the Winkeyer because the 7300’s internal keyer is good enough for me. fldigi Wiki 7300howto Log in to Edit Connecting the IC-7300 to fldigi and flrig First of all, CAT control involves both software and settings on the radio itself. The Winkeyer connects to the 7300 via the Key jack, so there are two methods of sending Morse Code for us remote operators to send Morse Code to a 7300. USING THE WATERFALL AN IC-7300 ADVANTAGE, Tuning or clicking on the Waterfall signals displayed should place the radio at the correct frequency. It can also use a Winkeyer, which can take ASCII text and translate it into Morse Code. There may be an intermediate step (or two) that I don’t know about. I don’t know if the internal keyer accepts ASCII text input or not. By chance I noticed, when changing tune power levels in WSJT-X, (the slider on the right) that the IC-7300 ALC has very fast attack time. You can also save a dozen or so short messages for casual contest operation. So what is wrong here Often, the resulting discussion is about peak meters, PEP, settings, the weather and cosmic radiation. It provides a CW Terminal that lets you type in plain text, which it uses to control the 7300’s internal keyer. I’m retired and live in Thailand and my radio is in VE3. Make sure the settings for these items are as follows.

I should tell you that my IC-7300 and I are located 12 time zones away from each other. Press the transceiver MENU button then the on screen items: Set, then Connectors. Sorry, I didn’t realize Roeland is a developer! My apologies to Roeland! I literally found out about wfview an hour or two before I posted my first message.