It turns out Evalyn is a doll who used to work at Clouds. One way or another you'll hear that Judy is concerned for her safety, but will allow you to take Evelyn's Cigarette Case. If you've got enough points in Cool, you can explain that you're really just looking for the person who hired her. What does have an impact is telling her why you want to find Evelyn. If you see a Life Path convo option, you can select it, but it doesn't have an impact on the conversation. You can get straight to the point with Judy in this conversation or you can ask her questions about the argument that just went down. Wait for their argument to end and approach.

Judy is arguing with someone about a person Judy supposedly brought in. Walk down to the basement, past the BD booths and the dressing room and down the stairs. You'll also hear a bit about what people think about Judy.

If you walk slowly through the bar, you'll get a bit more context for the Mox and the work they do. Tell her you're there to see Judy and she'll let you in. It's closed, but security at the front remembers V. It's obvious she's trying to look out for Evelyn, or maybe for herself. V calls, and it ends with Judy saying she doesn't want to talk about it. Calling Judy is optional, so let's start with that so we don't miss the opportunity. Kick off this job by giving Judy Alvarez a call, or by finding Evelyn at Lizzie's bar.